We would love to add your show to Stitcher! Our app is a great way to expand your show's reach, find new listeners and give your fans more flexibility in how they hear your show.
Getting your show on Stitcher is simple. First, you'll need to set up an RSS feed for your podcast (if you haven't already). Please validate your RSS feed using this feed validation service to ensure compatibility:  http://validator.w3.org/feed/
Once you've validated your RSS feed, begin the show submission process for Simplecast Creator Connect here: https://www.simplecast.com/stitcher
After you completed the show submission process you will receive an authorization email with a link. Once you click that link your show will be public on Stitcher within a few hours.
If you need any more help, please reach out to content@stitcher.com and our dedicated partner-support team can help you out.